Game Academy: Compliments, Comments and Complaints Policy

Policy Statement

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that student, client or partner related compliments, comments and complaints are dealt with in an appropriate manner. This policy and procedure is accessible to all. All complaints are handled in a fair, consistent and timely way. This policy allows for all stakeholders and students to log a formal or informal complaint should they perceive that they have a grievance.

Scope & Definitions

Provision of our programmes and services are regulated often by our funding and delivery partners who are inspected by Ofsted and other regulatory authorities. Our compliments, comments and complaints procedure aligns to the requirements outlined within applicable funding rules, contract requirements, and inspection frameworks. All students, prospective students, employers, parents (where applicable), clients and partners will be made aware of the complaints procedure.

The process is embedded into our student induction and published on our website.

All feedback received is dealt with appropriate discretion and sensitivity.


A compliment is defined as an oral or written expression of satisfaction. A compliment, praise, and positive feedback mean to express approval or admiration to the services, colleagues or business.

Game Academy will seek permission for the publication of a compliment for use in marketing activities.

Compliments help us to:

  • boost staff morale
  • provide good public relations material
  • indicate which parts of our services are performing well
  • assist in strategic decision-making


A comment is defined as an oral or written opinion, reaction or feedback around the services, colleagues or business.

Comments help us to:

  • gather trends and opinions
  • assist in procedure review and planning
  • assist in strategic decision-making


A complaint is defined as an oral or written expression of dissatisfaction. The person making the complaint may not necessarily refer to it as being a “complaint”, but it will still be treated as such where the above definition applies. Complaints help us to:

  • highlight gaps in our delivery of services
  • help us improve our services and quality of provision
  • support colleagues with training needs
  • assist in strategic decision-making

Please note that this policy is not about assessment decisions. For complaints regarding an assessment decision, the Appeals Procedure is to be followed.

Stage 1 — Compliments, Comments, Complaints

The compliments, comments and complaints form is to be completed, which can be found here.

Our Head of Quality will send an acknowledgement email in response, with a copy of the completed form.

For compliments or comments, a member of our marketing team may contact the individual to discuss whether the feedback received can be used in testimonials, case studies or for marketing purposes.

For complaints stages 2—4 will apply:

Stage 2 — Complaints only

The Head of Quality will assign a complaint handler from Game Academy’s management team, who will investigate the complaint.

Once investigations have been carried out and an outcome derived a written response will be sent within 7 working days, by letter or email.

If this is not possible the Head of Quality will inform the complainant of any delay, in writing.

Stage 3 — Complaints only

If after the Head of Quality has actioned a complaint, the complainant still feels that the complaint has not been given a satisfactory conclusion they may request a meeting with an alternate member of the senior management team to attempt to resolve the situation.

A further investigation will commence, and the complaint investigator will gather evidence and provide the complainant with a written record of the outcome within 7 working days.

If this is not possible the relevant member of the senior management team will inform the complainant of any delay.

Stage 4 — Complaints only

If, following the above processes, the complainant still does not feel that the matter has been resolved effectively, they have the right to apply to a higher authority such as awarding bodies, project partners or sponsors to gain a satisfactory resolution.

For example, for East Midlands Games Industry Skills Bootcamps:

Helen Abbott
Head of Quality
Ascento Learning & Development
2 Dronfield Court, Wards Yard
Dronfield, S18 1NQ

Or Career Connect ‘Connect to Your Future’ Programme:

QWS Team,
Career Connect,
7th Floor,
Walker House,
Liverpool, L2 3YL

Update Date — July 2023
Review Date — July 2024
Board Responsibility and Approval — David Barrie


Date — 14 July 2023